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2020.03.19 (CNN) Why South Korea has so few coronavirus deaths while Italy has so many(2)

오늘은  (CNN) Why South Korea has so few coronavirus deaths while Italy has so many(2) 입니다.

By contrast, the outbreak in South Korea has occurred among much younger people. There, only 20% of cases have been diagnosed in those 60 years old an up. The largest affected group is those in their 20s, who account for almost 30% of all cases.
Then  there is gender. The gender split in COVID-19 cases worldwide is about 50-50, but there are gender difference in survival. According to data from the original outbreak in China, the overall death rate is 4.7% in men versus 2.8% in women-- a whopping difference. Which is good news for South Korea, where 62% of cases occur among women.

account for  : 1) to explain the reason for something or the cause of something  ~을 설명하다,                          ~ 의  이유를 듣다.
                  ex> Rural Americans are often older than those in other parts of America and that 
                        may account for the slower adoption rates for internet access.
                   2) to form part of total  (부분,비율을)차지하다
                  ex> High-tech companies account for 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the                          area.
 split     :  (divide) 1) to(cause to)divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line
                            (사람들의 견해차이로) 분열되다, 의견이 갈리다 , (작은 부분들로) 나뉘다
                   ex> The prize was split between Susan and Kate.
                         The teacher split the children (up)into three groups.

whopping : extremely large  엄청 큰 ( whopping great)
                  ex> a whopping big(great) watermelon 
                        a whopping (monstrous,big)lie
                        tell a whopping lie